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Mesa County, Colorado had an overall unemployment rate of 3.6% for the month of April 2006, continuing a steady downward trend. AT the same time, the number of job orders from employers is at an all time record high: 1,011 open job orders representing more than 1,800 open jobs. Currently, the areas of greatest employment need are extraction, construction, transportation and service-related employment. The health care and retail sectors remain strong as well. The demand for workers throughout the entire county is very high. The Workforce Center is concentrating on recruiting job seekers for potential referrals to many of these very well paying employment opportunities. Staff is participating in job fairs and recruiting efforts statewide, and is concentrating on providing well-screened referrals to employers. The strong economic picture for the county predicts a further drop in unemployment rate, and it is expected that many more jobs will become available as more energy-related employers find Mesa County an attractive locale to do business.

Major Employers of Mesa County:

Mesa County School District
St. Mary’s Hospital
Mesa State College
Mesa County
City Market, Inc.
State of Colorado
City of Grand Junction
Rocky Mountain Health Plans
Community Hospital
Hilltop Community Resources, Inc.
Choice Hotels
Family Health West
Albertson’s/Max Foods
Grand Junction VAMC
Mesa Developmental Services
West Star Aviation
U.S. Postal Service
Hamilton Sundstrand
The Daily Sentinel


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