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Mesa County College is Mesa State College. Mesa State College was founded in 1925. Today, the college has tree campuses and offers bachelor degree programs in Business, social sciences, biological sciences, English, and psychology. Located in the heart of Grand Junction, the main campus provides open space, and grassy areas for students to visit, study, or relax.

Technical education needs of both college and area high school students are met at the Tilman M. Bishop Campus. The Campus in Montrose meets the needs of both traditional and working students by offering coursework primarily in the afternoons and evenings. Campus in Montrose, the campus offers students the opportunity to complete an associate degree, or work toward their baccalaureate degree by completing the general education component. High school students earn elective credits and, in many of the programs, can earn college credits while still in high school. As a comprehensive, liberal arts college, Mesa State College also offers masters and associate degrees as well as certificate programs.

Contact information:

Mesa County College
1100 North Avenue,
Grand Junction, CO 81502
Phone 1: (800) 982-6372
Phone 2: (970) 248-1020
Fax: (970) 248-1973
E-mail: admissions@mesastate.edu


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