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Mesa County Court is comprised of the District Judges District, County Judges County Court, Magistrates, Clerks, and Probation officers. The District Court judges hear civil cases in any amount, domestic relations, criminal, juvenile, probate, and mental health cases. Civil cases under $15,000, are handled by the County Court judges.

Other services under the County Court judges are the following: misdemeanors, traffic infractions, felony complaints (which may be sent to district court), restraining orders, and small claims. The Chief Judge assigns the Magistrates with the following judicial duties: criminal, civil, juvenile, domestic relations, probate, traffic and other judicial proceedings. Magistrates perform judicial duties as assigned by the Chief Judge in any or all of the following areas: criminal, civil, juvenile, domestic relations, probate, traffic and other judicial proceedings.

The District Administrator Directs and provides for the administration of all aspects of a judicial district and is responsible for for supervising the operation of the business of the courts: personnel issues, budget matters (purchasing/accounting), communication with other agencies, and court facilities issues. In addition, the District Attorney's Office maintains the juvenile programs that include the juvenile diversion program, the intensive diversion program, and delinquency proceedings in court.

Contact information:

Mesa County Court
125 North Spruce
Grand Junction, Colorado
Phone: (970) 257-3693
E-mail: RoseAnneK@judicial.state.co.us


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