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Mesa County Health Department is responsible for preventing and controlling infectious and chronic diseases , promoting the access of health services, promoting maternal and child health and encouraging planned pregnancies, promoting mental health and the prevention of mental illness, promoting healthy behaviors and encouraging the public to take responsibility for their own health, and preventing injuries.
Free and low-cost health clinics and nursing services to residents of all ages and incomes are offered the residents of Grand Junction. Supplementary services are provided in Clifton, Fruita, Palisade, and Collbran. Mandated services are not denied if the inability to pay arises.

The Mesa County Health Department offers the following services through their clinics specializing in the following: Birth Control, Butterfly Program, Colposcopy and Cryotherapy Services, Emergency Birth Control, Pregnancy Testing, Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Testing and Counseling, Health Care Program for Children with Special Needs (HCP), Pediatric Neurology, Orthopedic, Rehabilitation, Immunizations, Adult, International Travelers, and Flu. Additional Health Services are offered through the Hemophilia Clinic, Genetic Counseling Clinic, Throat Cultures, and Tuberculosis Clinic

Contact information:

Mesa County Health Department
510 - 29½ Road
Grand Junction, CO 81504
Phone: (970) 248-6905
Fax: (970) 246-6971
E-mail: healthinfo@mesacounty.us


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