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The Mesa County Sheriff Deparment operates under the Detentions Division, Operations Division, Information Management, and Support Services, homicide investigations, K-9 operations, patrol work, search and rescue, wildland firefighting, drug investigations, and jail operations. The Sheriff is responsible for the following most notable services : Serving Civil Papers, Courthouse Security, Transporting Inmates, Search & Rescue, Wildland Fire Fighting, and Issuing Concealed Weapons Permits.

Despite the changes and decades of the community, the Mesa County sheriff's Department has remained committed to seven important statutory functions: Keeper and custodian of the jail, Keeping the peace, using deputy sheriffs as patrol officers and criminal investigators, Prisoner transport, Civil process service, Courthouse security, Combating wildland fires, and Search and rescue.

Contact information:

Mesa County Sheriff
215 Rice Street
Grand Junction, CO 81502-5016
Phone: (970) 244-3500


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